Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Parents do you think I am doing the right thing?

Ok when I was 2 years old the guy who I thought was my dad d me until I was 4 years old. When that happened I had to go though all of this therapy and stuff. The guy never did go to jail. But I never saw him again. My mom got together witch is now my little sisters father. When they got together I was forced to go to my mom's mothers house 24/7 . This women would beat me with a fly swatter and straps. She would always tell me how ugly I was and stupid and wished I was dead. By this time my little sister was born. A few years after that my mom and my sisters dad broke up. I was aloud to stay home most of the time then. I was about 9 years old. Everything went semi good for awhile but my mom would always hit me with the belt. I was the only one taking care of what now would be the 2 year old feeding her and bathing her / she was not potty trained so I changed her at the age of 9. Then 3 years later she meets this guy named Amour. She starts dating him sending me and my little sister off to her mothers house. She went to las vages with this guy which we are on well far so I don't understand why she would do that and got "stuck" in chicago for 2 weeks we live in Michigan. Around the age of 12 I found out that my mom has had a major cocaine Habit and drinking problem. The guy went to jail. About 5 months later me and my mom where at a phone store and she saw a friend that she had not seen in about 12 / 13 years. They took each others phone numbers and Begin talking. He was the most normal friend my mom had. This guy kept a journal and around the time I would of been made he had with her. He noticed that I had the same color hair and curly hair like him. I was also tall. My mom hung out out at his house all day and make him baby sit me and my little sister. Well someone called CPS saying he was touching me ( which was not true) the cops went up to his work and even though they figer that was not true the work fired him. He lost his apartment because of it. He had to stay at my mom's house for a 2 months to get his money back up well he got a new job. Well when he was their I was about 13 she would leave off and on to see this Armour guy that just got out of jail. Once my dad left their was no DNA done yet. The nabor called CPS and blamed it and said me and my dad called. She refused to let me see him for months. Then she started letting me see my dad and she would try to dagle is over my head do this do this and do this or you are not going to see him. We then finaly got a DNA test done. He was my dad. After we found that out I was going over his house every weekend my mom would not stop drinking. One night she had this guy come over and she had with him on the kicthen floor. Then she would not give him more so later that night he tries to d me and was touching me!! My mom promessed me that she would never drink again because of that but she is. Now she got arrested for coccain and drinking well driving. So my dad and I decided to file costody and talk t the judy. Do you think it is right for me to go live with my dad? My little sister just moved in with her dad so I know she is safe. Oh I forgot to say my mom also runs an serivice for giving her body out and other peoples bodys out for money. My dad on the other hand has a real job , is in about 15 movies and is totally nornal compared to her.My mom has a CPS files so big she had to have 3 files she knows one of the top people at the CPS office and sells crack to him!! Am I doing the right thing? I mean I am sick of this. Am do you think the court will let me stay with my dad because i've only known him for like 3 years.

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