Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 1 fantasy football RB help...?

I have an open RB and Flex position, with Derrick Ward, Beanie Wells, Jonathan Stewart available. Also, Darius Hayward-Bey and Jeremy Maclin are available (PPR league), but i do not plan on using them at this point in the season. Any suggestions?

Can I get the education I need to begin a career as a Chef from a Tech School?

You should probably go to a culinary school, if being a chef is what you want to do. I mean, a computer technician wouldn't go to a culinary school...

Financial help with gas and electric bills?

If your meter is on 'emergency' you are using a pre pay meter. It seems rather unfair but these are more expensive than paying a quarterly bill or paying by direct debit. You should change your tariff. If you can't pay direct debit consider buying a stand alone gas heater and using that to heat your main sitting room during the day and your bedroom at night.

Question to all carnivore/vegetarian eaters.......?

It's a matter of choice, if you think you can live and eat healthy as a veggie, go ahead. But you have teeth for eating meat, and remember other predators will not refure to eat you just because you are a vegetarian, because we are all just meat and will die sometime, and will be devoured by tiny predators unless incinerated or frozen. It's about respecting life, not to kill wantonly or cruelly. Starving, dying of disease, being run over or eaten alive is far more cruel than anything a hunter, farmer, butcher or trapper does to an animal. I like meat, I don't like killing anything that isn't threatening me, but when I eat a hamburger I know a cow died for me, but "Some have meat that canna' eat, and some could eat, would like it, but we have meat, and can eat, and therefore the Lord we be thankit!" Take no life for granted nor every meal or day you are allowed. When it comes to eating your pets, if you were trapped and the alternative is cannibalism, well, if I had to choose between my Belgian Shepherd Groenendale or you.........As for wearing animal products, I don't as a fashion statement, but petroleum based products are questionably carcinogenic, animal is organic, and wool or leather more fire resistant. Gr skirts are dangerous around smokers and open fires.

What kind of person do picture with the name Lia Renee Williams?

Aw! Cute name! Anyways, I picture a smart, cute/pretty girl with brown hair and brown eyes or blue. She is short. Her personality: shy, smart, SUPER nice, talented in art, dances, smiles and is happy 98% of the time. She has many friends. She is a follower, not a leader. I dont picture her doing sports. And her hair is curled. She wears alots of colored clothes.

VERY SERIOUS QUESTION offence accusation?

This is a case of slander. The store manager, right or wrong, had not right to come out and accuse your grandfather in the manner that he did. Trying to confie the phone like he did could also be considered harment. I would not only contact the district office of the company in question, but also talk to the authorities about a harrment claim. Something like this should not be tolerated. If the manager had legitamite concerns about your grandfather, he could have taken his plate number and called the police. This is still a country where people are innocent until proven guilty, although some seem to forget this.

ShoeLaces For Hightops?

Im getting hightops soon (converse) and i want different shoe laces because...white shoe laces are boring and i hate boring stuff. So where can i find some shoe laces that are long enough for hightops?

Can I ign my lease with my landlords consent, even if the contract said I cant?

Contract states that "Resident(s) shall not ign this Lease nor sublet all or any part of the Premises" but I was wondering, if i get the Landlord's permission to do so, can I ign the lease??

Inherited IRA?

I have inherited an Ira from my deceased uncle, my Dad and i are both beneficiaries, i am 16 so my dad was going to be the custodian of the account.. Some how over the past two years he seems to have spent all of MY part of the inheritance... *My dads a jerk* What legal action can i take?

Why does side show bob want to kill bart?

Yea when Sideshow Bob tried to frame Krusty, but Bart stopped him was the first episode where Sideshow Bob wanted to kill Bart.

Battery vs hydrogen cars?

I agree 100%. I think over the next 20 years we will see several clean technologies come to market, and hydrogen will be among them. The main issue with hydrogen versus electric at this point is availability of a good distribution system for the hydrogen. No sense in having a vehicle that is difficult to find the gas for! Do you build the cars first, and lack availability of fuel, or build the fuel infrastructure first and have no customers to buy the fuel? Of course, the answer is to build both at the same time, but it will be a long, slow process.

Drake and josh?

does any 1 think drake and josh is jsut..... stupid. I mean i saw it when my brother was watchin it with is frends and this little girl was like "ill get you juice" and then like a minute later she goes"im not getting him the juice" and my brother and his frends start cracking up it just really annoying how bad ther show is. And those two guys rnt even funny they just making like weird faces and act random. I'm not trying to be a downer, but does any1 actually find this show funny??

Begging for some advice please?

pls dear b cool n calm down its not only yr husband but lakhs of husbands r watching it let them do...well u pls sit next to him n ask him pyarse...pls dont ask him harshly ask him on a friendly way n then tell him u r quite disturbed...

How long after delivery did you recover from Preeclampsia?

I am type 1 diabetic had bubs 12 weeks ago. I still have high BP 145/100 and abnormal liver function. Just want to know how long before my body returns to normal?

A pudding made with cornflakes, apricots, and cream, anyone remember?

was crunchy and cant explain, want to know what it was, i went to arunside junior school in horsham, anyone else know this pudding

Do you think it's time for liberals to start fighting fire with fire?

I think that it is time to keep repeating the truth over and over, every time the conservatives tell a lie. Alan Grayson and Barney Frank are especially good at that. Joe Biden doesn't mince words either, and they all three tell the truth. There are a number of others that should also be speaking up at every opportunity. They don't even need to use conservative tactics, just keep telling the truth. The conservatives repeat the lies and sling mud constantly using their mouth piece, Fox. Conservatives know that whatever is repeated often enough is what the public will believe. GW Bush once said that you can fool some of the people all the time and they are the ones you need to concentrate on.

Are chickenpox a danger to an unborn fetus?

My daughter is in her first trimester and teaches where there has been recent outbreaks of chickenpox. She had chickenpox herself at the age of 4 and also has had all her immunizations. Should we be concerned for the health of her unborn child?

When can i get off of supervised parole?

i was sentenced to 10 years of jail time with all of it suspended due to good behavior along with $6000 of restitution.its been a year and i have been a model citizen,i have gone to work everyday and taken care of my 2 year old son by myself.i wanted to know if i can get off of the supervised parole when i finish my restitution.and once i finish the probation can i get my rights restored.i hate that i cant go hunting

Can I read "Acheron" from the Dark-Hunter series early?

I've been reading Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series straight through over the past couple months. I'm just about to start the Dream Hunter book. I am itching to read "Acheron" but don't want to miss any important books along the way. I've read that Devil May Cry is one not to miss. How important are "Dream Hunter," "Upon a Midnight Clear," and "Dream Chaser?" They all come before "Acheron."

What would be considered ONE octave? For example, would it be a regular F scale; etc.?

The root of the word octave is OCT which is latin for 8. An octave is the same note 8 degrees above the original note. In a major scale this is Do and Do (DO re mi fa so la ti DO)

Need to tell someone a printer is broken so i can take it back?

ok, heres the story. a printer has been sitting in the storage room at work for near a year, its one of those wide printers. well one of our employees decided tey were just gonna grab it one day and use it for there personal use to print out hiking maps at work. well im the IT helpdesk and i was told that he needed it hooked up but they wanted me to tell him it was broken and take it back to storage. how could i go about doing this the easiest best way.

Crush on a married guy. I am married too but he just doesnt know.?

We commuted together. He caught my attention then he started convo. Without him knowing in the first place, I was head over heels when he approached me. After a while, I invited him to lunch on my birthday, he treated. He hardly mentioned anything about his wife or his little boy..I only noticed from his wedding band that he's married. I am sure he can tell that he's special to me through my cards and emails.. I call him once in a while and email him every now and then just to keep in touch. He moved and we are not travelling together anymore for almost a year now. I still have this strong feeling of liking him. My face brightens if I see him ... He never initiates any calls or emails but if I call or write, he reponded warmly and interestingly. What's on his mind? Why didnt he just give me cold shoulder or ignore my calls or emails so I can get the message "it's time to stop !" HELP !!

Getting back with ex?

You take the higher road. If there is some spark left, then things can be re lit. Sometimes people need some space and get their thoughts re centered. I would send some small gift or a card to let her know you are thinking of her and just be honest. Flowers are always nice. Pride must take a backseat in things. If you really care make the effort. But don't come back and leave again or your bridges are all burned. You only get so many chances so really be sure you are in this for the long haul.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am having a new bathroom fitted. Should the vinolay go down first or after everything else is finished?

If it goes down last I could do it myself and save some money. If it has to go down first the fitter would have to remove all the existing fixtures and fittings and come again to fit the new fixtures eg . shower enclosure and vanity unit. Does it really matter?

Do you know of a Caucasian Owtcharka breeder in US?

I do not, but if you google your area with breeder in the search, you may find some results. Are looking you at two different dogs as I answered your other one? If you are you may be able to find some sort of scheme that deals with more high level dogs - the shepherd and the beagle.

Darksiders: Stuck in Hollows?

I just used the big gun to scare away Griever, but now I am stuck in a room filled with water don't know what to do. where do i find the Gauntlet?

Parents do you think I am doing the right thing?

Ok when I was 2 years old the guy who I thought was my dad d me until I was 4 years old. When that happened I had to go though all of this therapy and stuff. The guy never did go to jail. But I never saw him again. My mom got together witch is now my little sisters father. When they got together I was forced to go to my mom's mothers house 24/7 . This women would beat me with a fly swatter and straps. She would always tell me how ugly I was and stupid and wished I was dead. By this time my little sister was born. A few years after that my mom and my sisters dad broke up. I was aloud to stay home most of the time then. I was about 9 years old. Everything went semi good for awhile but my mom would always hit me with the belt. I was the only one taking care of what now would be the 2 year old feeding her and bathing her / she was not potty trained so I changed her at the age of 9. Then 3 years later she meets this guy named Amour. She starts dating him sending me and my little sister off to her mothers house. She went to las vages with this guy which we are on well far so I don't understand why she would do that and got "stuck" in chicago for 2 weeks we live in Michigan. Around the age of 12 I found out that my mom has had a major cocaine Habit and drinking problem. The guy went to jail. About 5 months later me and my mom where at a phone store and she saw a friend that she had not seen in about 12 / 13 years. They took each others phone numbers and Begin talking. He was the most normal friend my mom had. This guy kept a journal and around the time I would of been made he had with her. He noticed that I had the same color hair and curly hair like him. I was also tall. My mom hung out out at his house all day and make him baby sit me and my little sister. Well someone called CPS saying he was touching me ( which was not true) the cops went up to his work and even though they figer that was not true the work fired him. He lost his apartment because of it. He had to stay at my mom's house for a 2 months to get his money back up well he got a new job. Well when he was their I was about 13 she would leave off and on to see this Armour guy that just got out of jail. Once my dad left their was no DNA done yet. The nabor called CPS and blamed it and said me and my dad called. She refused to let me see him for months. Then she started letting me see my dad and she would try to dagle is over my head do this do this and do this or you are not going to see him. We then finaly got a DNA test done. He was my dad. After we found that out I was going over his house every weekend my mom would not stop drinking. One night she had this guy come over and she had with him on the kicthen floor. Then she would not give him more so later that night he tries to d me and was touching me!! My mom promessed me that she would never drink again because of that but she is. Now she got arrested for coccain and drinking well driving. So my dad and I decided to file costody and talk t the judy. Do you think it is right for me to go live with my dad? My little sister just moved in with her dad so I know she is safe. Oh I forgot to say my mom also runs an serivice for giving her body out and other peoples bodys out for money. My dad on the other hand has a real job , is in about 15 movies and is totally nornal compared to her.My mom has a CPS files so big she had to have 3 files she knows one of the top people at the CPS office and sells crack to him!! Am I doing the right thing? I mean I am sick of this. Am do you think the court will let me stay with my dad because i've only known him for like 3 years.

Are we all very, very happy now?

They've just announced that Derek Conway is standing down and that the police are investigating his payments to his sons.

Does anybody know this song? If so, what does it mean?

That's a great song - I remember when it first came out - giving away my age! I always umed it just meant enjoying a day in the outdoors but I'm not clear about the "grazin'" part - maybe they just liked the flow of the words.

Please tell me which shoes and jewelry to wear with this outfit-its a formal company party?

silver heels would look nice with the silver belt. as for jewelry, keep it simple. maybe a bangle bracelet and some small hoop earrings; a necklace might compete too much with the belt. if you wanted to wear a necklace, try a black belt and a pair of red heels to pop the outfit. i'm sure you'll look great. have fun!

Are we headed for a 2nd "Gilded Age"?

A period of conservative-libertarian republican presidents post reconstruction and pre-progressive era were we were peaceful, prosperous, and free.

Should I have to uproot myself and move between my parent's houses at their whim?

live where you want to live. if you have a well-paying great job, stick with it. that's more than a lot of us have.

He keeps looking at me and I feel like a creep for always seeing him?

Honestly, it sounds like you kind of like him. If he smiles a lot, he probably likes you, too. Just keep doing what you're doing and he may finally find the courage to ask you out. If not, just spend your energy elsewhere.

What is a sweet riesling wine to drink and at what temperature?

I had a Riesling, Bedrock Station I believe, it tasted like a rubber tire. I had one before that was good but cannot remember. Should it be cold like a traditional white or room temp like a red. I think it tasted like rubber because I drank it cold.

For the NYX single and loose eyeshadows?

Sunrise is a deep reddish-orange. Redhead is red, but its light-colored and not as deep as the Sunrise. My experience with any of the "hot" shadows are that they are not as bright as you would think they would be. They are actually pretty tame. I haven't tried any of the loose pearl shadows.

Nazis on yahoo answers?

Yahoo answers makes it too easy for questions to be deleted by disgruntled people. there is not even a review process. it seems that if 2 people complain about a question it gets deleted automatically. What is going on? why are questions being deleted so much? i was just about to answer one and it got deleted.

What's the difference between a BFA in musical theatre a BFA in performance with emphasis on musical theatre?

Perforamance could mean singing. I would carefully review the catalogs of all schools you are thinking of attending, reduce your choice to about three, and go see a perforamcne there and talk to the staff and students.

Hippo Tang Help!!! I need help ASAP?

if u just brought it u need to let it get used to the tank u should know this. Just let it alone for a period of time and it should be okay that is if your tank is cycled and water perimeters r okay it is normal for it to lie on its side should have plenty of hiding places. should do some research before u buy anything if u keep picking at it u will stress it out more and it will DIE

Need help saving large amounts of frogs in my pool!?

I'm from Connecticut and there are at least 100 or so small green frogs in my pool and tons of tadpoles. We've put floats and things in there for them to crawl onto but last night all the tadpoles and underdeveloped frog-lets suddenly died and we've no clue why but the frogs are all still alive and we want to save them. The closest pond is down the street but I've no idea how to catch them all and transfer them...I want to save as many as possible but I don't know what kind of frogs they are, what they need or how to do it and seeing the dead ones is heartbreaking after having watched them grow for the past few weeks. Any suggestions would be appreciated?

If Obama's Health care plan is NOT a government program...why do they even want to get involved?

Anyone who buys the line that this will not be government run is not paying attention. And of course they don't want to fix the actual problems-you are right--malpractice insurance and frivolous lawsuits drive our cost up greatly.

Can you import models into Sims 3 that are from other games?

Why don't you just create your characters in create a sim. You can probably find some custom content to fit the style of dress, makeup, hair etc. and make them in create a sim. I would think that would be the easiest way to go. You can even give them the traits you think would best fit the personalities you are trying to achieve. Many people create self sims and celebrities and such.

How can islam help me get over my Husband cheating on me?

My husband who prays 5 times a day cheated on my 8 months ago with anuother muslim women. When i found out about the affair is was stupid enough to think that as they are both muslims they would not have committed 'Zina' but they have. this has broken my heart. My husband has come back to me and claims that he will never do this again but i find it hard to get past the fact that he was capable as a Gos fearing man to do this. and this intern has made me move away from my deen becuase i think that Allah can't really give Janat to someone who has hurt people and committed a forbidden act just because he does his namaz.

Hello Amero, Goodbye dollar?

After researching this topic, NAFTA, killing Saddam, and changing our currency suddenly makes scary sense. The dollar is worth squat. Middle eastern oil sold in Euros is squeezing America. Let's just say the Amero is introduced in 2012, will that put the average american bank account in peril? Reminds me of ten cents on a dollar during the great depression.

Self-dedication into Wicca?

I believe that it is appropriate if you plan to follow that path, and everyone involved in any belief system is always learning, discovering and realizing more and more about their selves, their surroundings and their deity as time goes on. I think that it's wonderful that you have explored so many options and that you have such an open mind. This just makes the path you choose mean that much more :) Good luck on your journey! Blessed Be! )O(

Am I the only person disappointed in The Simpsons Movie?

i really have to say that i agree.. there were a few points that i laughed... but it was not near as good as the older episodes. i was looking forward to the movie... but once i saw it... i wasnt impressed. it left me sitting there staring at the screen thinking 'that was it? all this hype... all these years of watching it on TV and that is the best they could do?' so disappointing.

Capacitor for 2 12" JL W7?

i have 2 12" JL W7 with an mive audio 3000 watt amp and i was wondering what capacitor i need and how many farad is best thanks

Do poor Countries have Musicals?

Actually, many poor countries have music programs in their schools and, yes, they do have musical presentations that are usually well attended by everyone in town. I've been to a lot of interesting musical shows put on by people in very poor countries.

My cat is choaking on something & i dont know how to take it seems tobe trying to take it out?

im trying to help it take ouit what it has in its throught how do i do that. i dont want my cat to die and it wont be able to breath that well since it has something stuck in its throat an dno i can not go to a vet so someone please help me ASAP!!!!!!

How do you say "Love is Forever" in Swahili? Or at least a good translating site for it?

I don't really trust Google Translate, and this is for a project too. So does anyone know how to use "Love is forever" in Swahili, or know of a really good free translating site?

Character editing in Soul Calibur IV?

Try this site here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a , it lists what each piece of equipment/ the clothing does for your character, just look for items that have +life and they should help improve your health.

How can i freely download book specialized in refrigeration and heating?

iam engineer , i want to download refrences about refrigeration ,how to calculate thermal loads etc....

Can you give me a fictitious (not real) name of a person whom you make up? Mine is Hammond Eggers. You?

I know there are a bunch of creative/imaginative/... people out there and I can't wait to see y'all's answers.

Looking for a good poker book, to get to the next level.?

I am way past the entry level, and online I my overall earnings are in the black. I am looking to take my game up a notch. I want to do well against good players and not just look for fish. I have read a few books already, one on poker math, and Dan Harrington's first volume. I am looking for something profound.

Do hellfire taunters get a hand-wringing satisfaction of souls writing in agony for eternity?

How could live comfortably in heaven forever in peace while in the knowledge that some of your family that didn't make it through the pearly gates are being burned over and over without rest and without relief for an eternity. Knowing in a billion years forward the wretched screams of your uncle, aunt, brother perhaps or even daughter could be are still writhing in torment begging for release and the peace of eternal death but to no avail.

How does blogging actually make this happen on engines?

I have been blogging for years and notice that all my posts are showing up big time and that people know who I am now, so why is this happening, but you have to see the link first so click here and see: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a FIRST 4 POSTS ARE MINE!

Fear of monkeys!!???

I'm not afraid of monkeys, not even Report Monkeys. I am irrationally afraid of bees and wasps though. I'm not allergic to them at all, but they freak me out for some odd reason. I also don't do well on elevators or on bridges.

Which Camcorder should I Get?

I have a sub 250 dollar price range and was wondering if i should get the jvc everio gz-ms120 with an sd card or the kodak zi8 with an sd card and mic. Or do you know of any other camera in that price range? Thanks!

What are the long term effects of risperdal consta?

I've been on risperdal consta for about a little over a year. It is not by choice that I am on this drug its the result of me going to the hospital a while back and the doctors putting me on a CTO which requires you to take treatment. I finally got down to 25 mg of consta but it still feels way to high i sleep a whole lot and when im awake i still feel tired and dull. I also have mild chest pain and headaches. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about what the drug can do to you long term because I've started to feel feelings of "dead brain" and empty headedness, sometimes to the point where i cant even talk or think. any information shared would be appreciated thanks.

What if an aircrew member is a higher rank than the pilot in a military aircraft?

the pilot is always the ac commander. the back seater is there to do his job only to help the pilot. the back seater could be a major and the front seater could be a captain and the captain is the pilot and he is in charge.

Song in the background of last weeks x factor show?

This is really bugging me, when simon cowell tells daryl he is through to the live final, there is a song in the background, what is that song?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What wrestlers should join/return to WWE?

My choices are: Kurt Angle, Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Brother Runt, A.J. Styles, Black Mashimo, BG James, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, and Kip James .

Can Rosetta stone help me for Spanish?

Actually, a college cl will not help you except to understand the language in a technical way. It would be wiser to invest your time in speaking with native Spanish speakers. Rosetta Stone will help you increase basic vocabulary, but it will not make you semi-fluent. The only program I know that can make you semi-fluent is Michel Thomas' Spanish course.

Need help with halo 3 odst vidmster in firefight can any1 help me gt sadbullet123?

i would suggest getting really good players to play with you. Whats your highest skill? Also once you get 3 other people make sure you give yourself at least 2 hours to get the achievement (Straight!) So dont do it 30 mins before you have to go somewhere.

Which of these names listed do you consider "trendy" (BOYS names this time)?

Nico is the only one not to trendy.. trendy is to me like a bunch of kids the same age are named a popular name. u can literally look up names of newborns to see who is being named what?..we all know Jacob has been like number one for 6 years now or so..all the rest are a dime a dozen..U certainly don't want your kid to have to be called Ryan S. or whatever because there are 3 other Ryan's in his cl. example my 8 year old daughter has 4 MADISON'S in her cl....I use to love that name so glad I did not name her that!

How to play atari roms on wii emulator?

I have homebrew browser and wii2600 and stella and a bunch of .atr and .xex roms. I can see them, but i'm getting a message saying that the roms are invalid. So.... what do I need to use those on the wii or what roms do I need to get and where?

In Ca. if an employee is laid off, does the former employer have to pay a portion of the unemployment benefits?

I was laid off today because my employers went out of business. Ordinarily, don't California employers pay a portion of unemployment benefits? What happens if their business failed and closed down?

India announces probables for World Twenty20 ?

That is why the list has 30 players. The USELESS ones will be called to the camp, given cool drinks and some biscuits, then packed off. the remaining are good players and they'll certainly defend the title.

Triple H Will Not Turn Heel Anymore In His Wresteling Career?

I have read loads of comments about people saying that Triple H will return at Summerslam as the surprise leader of The Nexus who ever thinks that is kidding themselves Triple H has stated that for the remander of his in ring career he whants to stay a babyface besides the fact there is no logic in Triple H turning heel there are more heels on Raw than faces at the moment and with John Cena rumored to be turning heel soon they will need all the faces they can get i mean why do people think Triple H will be the leader of The Nexus i mean come on he has lead 2 successful groups in WWE D-Generation X and Evolution he also co-lead the McMahon-Helmsley Faction it is way to ovious to be Triple H its gonna be someone we least expect and my mony is on John Cena i mean considering Triple H has been heel more times in his career than he has been a face i think he just whants to balance it up i mean when he retires from the ring and takes on his roal as a WWE Executive Vice President or an on air personality like a GM he may turn heel then but for the time being Triple H is a babyface and yes he will return to Summerslam eather to help team WWE or to take the place of Bret Hart on the team

How do you deal w/ coworkers who use to talk to you and now keeps to themselves because of layoff?

CEO's email to everyone is imminent layoff. I'm minding my own business when I look over to my coworker by chance, he'd look at me like a deer caught in front of a headlight and asked, "yes". He asked me again later that day when I looked over his direction as I was getting up from my desk. That was nerve wracking as well as the usual people going together for coffee and are chatting about the layoff. I'm not included since I'm a consultant. Then the nervous guy asks me about the report I did for him on how to do it. Guess my coworkers are planning ahead to take what I have before I'm possibly let go.

Christians, can you pray for me?

You are a troll and here just to demean Christians, if we did the same thing to s your head would probably explode

Do women control men through ? Is the best way to attract women to be unattainable?

First of all, male is not a race or a species, it's a /gender. Second, yes, there are some women who control men through but the majority of women I know do not do that. Third, not all guys will do anything to get laid. Some have a little more respect for themselves and women. Fourth, there are women who are too emotionally immature, greedy, and self indulgent to be in relationships but no, it's not most women. There are men who are too emotionally immature, greedy, and self indulgent to be in relationships as well. And, finally, fifth, the best way for you to attract decent women who are mature enough to be in meaningful relationships is going to be a lot more maturity on your part. You might want to work on that.

How to write about a Character based on a movie?

Max Payn, because that too easy. He lost his baby daughter and wife, because junkies killed them. After that he just is very sad, don't talk much and is a vigilante going for a revenge. He alse worked for NYPD, but got suspended. I'm not sure if all that is correct, but watch the movie. Or play the game, they have the same character.

Which photoshop is the best?

Adobe Photoshop CS3 is the best and they just introduced Photoshop CS4 this past week and it's really HOT! It is a bit expensive, but really worth it.

Parent of 2 or more children?

Yes 2 year olds are far more fun to interact with. They love your girl but right now its you sons time to shine. It will happen to him vice versa in the future when she is older. Dont worry so much!

istance needed in trying to find a particular book on Beethoven?

robert haven schauffler/schaufer,,,,nice bio of der adler pub in like 1927,mentions the factotum(schindler)

Degri people i want to meet?

is it true Miriam Mcdonald lives in Canada , and Cie Steele lives in LA,CA, and Daniel Clark lives in LA? If you know any of those questions pls tell. I want to know because i want to meet them. thank you :)

Just recieved a email about child offences?

This is a scam , i received one also and i was not even using my pc at the time and i also have never done anything to break any laws. Although i did add a few people from a chat room to talk about general stuff. I have compared the email you received with the one i got and it has the same reference number, person host number. so its defiantly a scam and you have nothing to worry about :) Also the part with your ip number is something they do just to scare you, that information can easily be gotten by anyone just by pinging or using a trace route on your computer. They may have got the ip to ping from msn. So again there is nothing to worry about, i would just delete the email and forget it happened.

When will the Chickenpox spots develop ?

My children have been in regular contact with a child who has broken out in Chicken Pox spots this morning. They are obviously quite likely to have caught the virus but when should I expect to see the spots develop ?

If I take a break from Accutane, will I start having zits again?

I am going to Spain in a week and my derm told me to stop taking Accutane just about now because otherwise my skin will be too sensitive to the sun. Does that mean that my acne will come back this week? I have been on 20 mg/day for roughly two months now. Thanks for your answers!

Briggs and stratton 5 hp go cart runs on choke but not on run.?

i have a briggs and stratton 5 hp go cart motor. i can start it just fine, but only on choke: so i dont go anywhere. as soon as i push the lever onto run, the motor stops running. it has new gas, oil, and a new air filter... im not good with cars or motors, so if someone could put it simple and easy, that would bee great!


Um...I wouldn't say no because there is a possibility you might get in if you applied but at least for me when I applied for a medical studies geared curriculum high school I had to have at least a 3.0 GPA (straight B's) and even then if people have better grades then you even when you have the minimum requirement then it lessens your chance of getting in but I say it doesn't hurt to try. You never know!

Help what do i do ?10 points for best answer?

i have these hot teen guys live next door to me and me and my friend are teens and we always walk my dog to walk past there house and sometimes them and there friends are siting outside and they yell stuff too us like a hotties and we are afraid to go up to then and talk to them help what do i do they are really hot

What do girls look for in the perfect guy?

ima guy that loves to treat a girl good...i wanna make them happy and ill do nething to make em happy...the last 2 relationships i been in have been a i meet this new girl and everything she told me about that she wants in a guy fitted under me she knows how i u think shes the the kinda guy that will try to give the girl the world if i can...ill do everything in my power to make them happy...i dont looking for love that will last so i can settle down. wit someone for a while..the girl im talkin to said i was to good to be true so what do u guys thinks gona happen...i mean its one of my friends cousins and she kinda lives away from me but she sounds perfect so far so what u guys think...sorry so long

I need a playstion network id..?

Does anyone have ideas or something. i like action games like CoD but please NO asin or Xx , if so try make 1 with "Cristian"<-(My name) in it

What are other songs that are of the same/similar genres as this?

Ain't Nothing Wrong With That - Robert Randolph. I'd say this song has an upbeat blues rhythm with groovy riffs. Anyone know of other songs that resemble it?

My macbook won't shut up! It keeps making noises!!! HELP?

GAH! It keeps making a noise like sorta bees buzzing, something like hat combined with a pencil sharpener jammed. (electric). Please do you know how to make it stop

Do most women secretly want to be d?

do you not realize that men are stronger then women and could very easily over power them.! there is also the possiblity the man will get her pregnant AND the fact that she will be scarred for LIFE, yeah getting d is really living the dream

Rangers bullpen. how would you describe it?

a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a

Suggestions for an anime like Full Metal Alchemist?

Tsubasa, its more fantasy and like Full Metal it has it's dark moments but then it can switch to funny...could also try Bleach love that. Oh and another would definately be Elfen Lied.

What torrent site has the most seeders?

Most of the sites have the same torrents, it's the trackers that have the seeders. Most torrents have multiple trackers and you can add them by yourself. If the same torrent is on some other tracker you can add the tracker to the torrent, by downloading the torrent file or typing it. I recommend a tracker list, you can find them on any torrent site, the one i use has all the trackers on it's preferences on the torrent file, so I can easily copy-paste them as needed.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Create a title, read or comment my story? please..?

I really enjoyed the piece, and whether this is a weird notion or not, it moved me. I don't know of any titles but you really are talented :)

Wgat will she think about this letter?

At school I standing in the school store talking to someone. Then this girl came in and she was gorgeous. I can't really explain it, but I wrote her a letter and said that I wasn't at all hitting on her, but I thought she was the most uniquely beautiful girl I had ever seen. I didn't sign a name, and I gave it to the school store to give to her. What do you think she will think? I'm not expecting a relationship with her, I just felt the need to say that to her

Cheapish but very good concealer??????..........?

I normally buy YSL concealer as i love everything about it but this pay packet isnt up 2much and im in desparate need of a new concealer. Any suggestions???? Cheap and cheerful would be great, but open to all suggestions!!! thanks :)

Girl issue - Is being this obsessed okay?

thats strange and i cant seem to understand why become such a big issue,getoverit and concentrate on yourself as a person instead of thinking about that all the time.

I need to lose weight. how?

Calorie diet... It sucks for the first three days but after a while it's not to difficult because your stomach shrinks!! :) But I lost ten pounds in two weeks by doing a 1200 calorie diet. The pizza and bacon ravioli lean cuisines are good!! Also buy little mints, 10 calories or so each and they curb hunger!

Nagging Shoulder Problem?

So i have been dealing with a shoulder injury for awhile now. I separated it around October 2009 in a soccer game. Well now move to now. It is stiff 24/7. And half of the time i have this consent dull pain with a few short times a sharp pain. There have been a few times where there have been big pops. For instance a month ago i rolled over on my bed and there was this big pop in my shoulder with a few secs of pain than went away. Than last week i was waiting for my next cl to start and when i moved my shoulder it had another big pop. If you put your hand on my shoulder and i rotate it clock-wise or counter clock-wise you can feel and hear it popping a few times either way i row it. It sounds like it has to do something with the rotator cuff but thats my guess. What do you think is wrong and what do you think i should do

A question for teens who like to read?

I might read them both just because mystery and fiction are something that interests me but I don't know if in the second one you spelled some words wrong or something but it kind of confused me i was asking myself Why did Darren move in with them? Or is he the neighbor? and also here "it seems that the only person who has answers is" who???? who has answers. OK that's it but other than that the top one got my attention right away

How can I deflect bullying at work? What are some good tactics to keep reality in everyone's view?

Write an a letter to HR asking for an investigation...DON'T SIGN IT! nobady wants to be the bad guy...cause god knows we all need our jobs...but people like that need to be stopped....The key here is not to 'explode' that will get you walked right out the door and they know that...Something along the lines of 'It is not necessary for you to talk to me like you do' or 'treat me like you do' if they are direct boss then maybe 'I take direction from my supervisor not you' or 'you take care of your job and I will take care of mine'. If your in a retail situation don't do it in front of customers. If your in a manufacturing situation try to make sure someone else is at least within earshot that way you got witnesses. It is unfortuante but, people like that do exist...again don't 'explode'

Does he like mee ?! x?

well, guys normally act like they dont care half of the time. you need to take some actions, if he likes you, then he would play along with it. if he doesn't he'll tell you straight out.

POLL: Britains Got Talent - Has your opinion on Hollie Steel changed since tonights show?

When she broke down into tears in the middle of her song and threw a tantrum when she didn't get a second chance so that her mummy had to come up on stage, hold her hand to stop her crying and practically beg the judges for another chance. On one hand, yes she is only 10 years old and many people view her performance tonight as the fact that she was just a little girl performing in front of millions of people and the pressure was too much, but anyone remember Natalie Okri, she was the same age as her and was awesome even though she missed out on the final and she could more than cope. Connie Talbot 2 years ago was SIX and yet she sang without any problems, and she went through to the finals that year and was fine! Call me an insensitive b*tch but I agree with those who think she did the crying JUST to get the sympathy vote. Funny how she seemed fine and confident at the auditions, yet in the semis she decides to kick it up a notch to get sympathy voting through crying and throwing tantrums on stage. Probably did it it just to secure a place in the final, anyone notice that through her whole "acting up" there was no real trace of tears on her face?! Shame, I used to like her before I saw her real personality of spoiled rich stage school brat, actually she reminds me strongly of Lydia, the 11 year old girl who did the "Posh" dance from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on last years show - the one who Simon called a "stage school monster", anyone agree with me?

Plannin a trip to Taos, NM?

Anyone know some good campgrounds in or near taos for tents. Would like to have restroom facilities, maybe a playground for the kids, not too backwoods (taking kids and husband that have never been camping before). Also would like to go whitewater rafting so if you can recommend some good companies there. Any other great outdoorsy things, or just things the town has to offer, we shouldnt miss??

If God gave us the ability to mock It, why is it wrong then to do so?

It's the other side of the free will coin. With free will comes responsibilty. So if you choose wrongly, then there is a good reason to judge you unfit for the kingdom.

What is the best at home remedy for bags underneath your eyes?

I've always had bags under neath my eyes that i can sometimes cover up with makeup I get enough sleep at night so I dont know what the problem is??. . .I dont have a lot of money so I can't go out and buy that expensive eye cream so I was just wondering if there was a home remedy?

Hi Rebecca, this is bizarre but my fish appears to have a new zest for life & has started swimming around?

Hahaha, he heard us talking about euthanizing him! That's great! Just keep an eye on him, and good luck to you both! I'm happy to hear he's doing better (hopefully all the way better :)

Am I wrong for celebrating my grandmothers death?

No it is not wrong. You may feel whatever you want, even if she was a saint you could still be glad she is dead.

What tools would I need to do use for an oil change on a 2009 Saturn Aura?

I must not have the right tool or something do to an oil change on my car. I could not take out the oil filter. I have the correct socket, but I can't get the right angle with the socket and wrench together to take the filer out and replace it.

I need help getting revenge on my neighbor, help me out!?

I understand how frustrated you are.Being a former security guard my self, the very best way to deal with this is to get the police or sheriff involved. When that authority shows up at her door enough times, she'll get the message. There is probably hard core drugs present also. These kind of people are extremely hard to deal with. A residence across the street from my home was having deliveries made at all hours of who knows what. They finally moved to a different trailer park.

How come its now big news that kids are getting high on dextromethorphan?

Kids have been talking about Robotrippin' and DXM for decades, and all of a sudden everyone acts like its big news. You mean the police and the medical community really had no idea that this has been going on for 30+ years?

Does Obama seem to suffer from hypervigilance or narcissism?

He cannot take criticism, he views those who disagree with him as enemies. Any projection issue I MAY have aside doesn't change the validity of the question.

When you buy a family plan form a phone company ?

when you buy a family plan form a phone company lets say it is $69 and you add 3 lines which are 9 each is is that mean each mont you would pay 69 dollars plus 27 dollars? thanks..

Should Greyson Chance play Nico Di Angelo?

So in the 3rd book for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia rescue this pair of demigods that are the Di Angelo siblings. The other day I was watching Greyson's new music video 'Unfriend you' and I thought he really filled the description of Nico Di Angelo, and maybe he should play him. What do you think?

How did i do today ???????

Calories is a large topic when it comes to weight loss. We need to understand three things: the amount of calories in our food, the amount of calories a certain physical action burns each hour, and last but not least our own personal daily allowance of calories. The sole method which definitely delivered for me is green tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Fox News and CNN. I lost thrity pounds, it definitely does produce success!

How do you know if your partner has lost that in love feeling w/ you?

We were ok before when we first moved in. It was like he knew i was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. We moved in together and i was working like crazy, he was getting few hours. He cleaned, cooked, was more active with my son b/c he was watching him while i was working. I know i am not the easist person to deal with at times, but i was tired and he wouldnt give me some space when i would get home from work, so at times i may have taken it out on him. I felt like i was working like crazy and he was reaping the rewards. Then he got more hours, got more money, went out more, and one night him going out and coming home, a arguement occured about him going out, and he picked up the phone and called a girl in front of me. Well that girl is no longer in the picture, but it was like he just stopped being there for me, while i was still trying to be there for him. He now doesnt go out anymore, like he did before at least w/ girls that i knew he went w/. But not really helping around the home, he watches my son and disciplines him, but mainly sleeps, eats, and potties. I love him a lot, but i dont know if he is trying to break up, (which he says he is not, says he loves me and wants to get married) or he just really tired out from all the working and needs some more alone time now adays to recoup. Or is he there just because and fell out of love. He is 28, im 29 w/ a son. I take care of most of the responsibilities. The other night he told me he loves me to death and wants to be with me. When he feels nervous, or afraid, and just cant sleep he says he thinks of me, and it calms him down b/c he knows w/ me everything will be ok.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is this your dear sweet union supporting Hillary?

I'm certainly no fan of Organized Labor, but if I were them I would have to ask why in the Heck they are so slavishly supportive of the Democrat Party. It hasn't represented the "working man" for many long decades

What is a good rope for a begeiner rock climber?

Looking for a dynamic rope for sure, going to be using it for top rope climbing and lead climbing, maybe some lling. What brand/brands are good quality and will last a long time. If anyone has an exact rope that they sware by please let me know! Thanks!

Need help on racing/cars?

ive always wanted to become a racer, drift and rally are the main things i really want to do, but i have no idea how to get into that kind of stuff, im currently saving for a car, (either a 240sx, Silvia s15, and old impreza, or an evo 7). What would i have to do to get into it?, i know you gotta get your car fixed up and stuff, but what do you have to do to get noticed to be able to join a racing team?

Someone made a great point earlier today but didnt get a lot of answers?

Exactly but usually good players find a way to win, I think Dan Marino was the only good player on the Phins though at that time.

Is there a tram that runs between disney parks and where dose it go?

There is a bus system that goes throughout Walt Disney World, connecting the parks to the resorts and downtown disney to the resorts. There is also a monorail system from the Magic Kingdom to Epcot and Magic Kingdom/Magic Kingdom Resorts. Also, there is watercraft on property, but it is mostly for resort guests, so it is useless unless you are a resort guest.

If Gordon Brown gets to be chief of the IMF , will he do to the IMF what he did to the UK?

Of course he will. He won't really have anything to do if you notice how the IMF is already having the UK pay out 19 billion to bail out the eurozone countries and you know the Corpulent Bug, sorry, meant Gordon Brown will certainly sign up to that. Remember him trying to sign the country away in secret when he signed the Lisbon treaty? Just like Tony the Bliar or David the Camoron or even the Clueless Clegg he hasn't changed one whit. Screw the people and the UK as a whole. Doing that is is pride and he takes much joy from it. Not counting the money as well all that being said. He will carry on just as all our politicians would do and he does. Cut expenditure needlessly so he can starve or freeze a few more of the population to death usually the genuine vulnerable. This is all our politicians career choice. Evidence is in what they are doing now and have done in the recent past of about 4 decades.

What colour is her hair?

to me it looks like a chesnut brown, but i could only see two of the pictures. If someone else is dyeing your hair take pictures to them..if your doing it..take a picture with you when you go to buy the hair colour

OK next school year I want to change my look. What should I do?

Ok I have been growing out my hair for a year and a half and it's about 2 or 3 inches past my shoulder. I usually put it up in a pony tail because I have no idea how to style it. Plus i want to get my eyebrows done. How am I supposed to know the right shape for them? Should I go to a pro? And at my school, we're only aloud to wear a small amount of make-up. How can I make my face look great without any snoopy teachers notice that much?? I need help because I look AWFUL

Bretton Violin Information...?

I have a violin stamped "Bretton" under the neck on the back. I have no other information on the violin. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about "Bretton" and possibly how much it could be worth. All internet searches have been inconclusive. And yes, it's "Bretton" and not "Breton." Thanks!

I want to know homely manicure & pedicure items & procedure ......?

Google it up online.....I'm sure there are video's out there that give you step by step visual instructions.

UVA, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Penn State, Duke, and UNC Chapel Hill: Most prestigious to least prestigious?

..based on general perceptions, not your own bias, please. just take into account what people feel about the status of these schools, not cost, location or any other factor.

Did your husband surprise you when you gave birth?

Were you surprised by your husband when you gave birth to your first child? Were you pleasantly surprised or unpleasantly surprised? Like if he's usually a tough guy, but was really soft and supportive durring labor.

Who decides if I can switch my MOS when I change to Active Duty in the Army?

You can decide to change your MOS if you go active but only if there is a "Y" for "IN" for your rank and MOS on the IN/OUT call roster. You should go to the army HRC website and look at the roster to see if you can get out of your MOS.

HP PSC 1510 All-in-one printer?

I have the before mentioned printer and I am having trouble. I've installed the drivers but my computer will not acknowledge the printer. The printer is on and the USB cable is connecting the printer to my computer. What should I do?

Roller Coaster Tycoon Problem?

Yesterday I updated my Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 game from the atari website. It has added waterfalls,custom shops and a bunch of other cool stuff to. But whenever I put a food,facilities,or gift stores the game freezes for about 30 seconds. Its really annoying please help!!!

Texas didn't come close to beating Texas A&M the way Oklahoma did. should Oklahoma be ranked ahead of Texas?

Especially if Oklahoma destroys Oklahoma St., since Texas was lucky to beat Oklahoma St. by a measly 4 points.

Does he like me? whats your opinion on this? short- 10 POINTS<3?

i think he does because if hes not looking where hes going then that means that he wants you and he loves you alot

Does Christian deserve a WHC Match? + WYA Saturday Night Demolition Card!?

He deserves it. He can help carry Smackdown. He has the mic skills, the wrestling ability, and charisma to carry Smackdown. All he needs is a new gimmick and a heel turn. I think he will be champion next year since there is so many different champions on SmackDown!

Do you think that this was rude...or was she just trying to be helpful?

I went to the Dr's office today--turns out that I have bronchitis.While the nurse was checking my vital signs,she mentioned that she used to be my size,and is selling her clothes that are now too big for her on e-bay,and that I should check them out.I was appalled ,but did not show it,and graciously thanked her.

How did they kill Robin Hood's father in "Prince Of Theives" ?

The movie doesn't go into detail. I just saw the body in the cage as indicating that Robin's father had been tortured and/or humiliated before they finally killed him.

What is a good RMS Wattage for a 2 channel amp for a "pair" of 12' subs?

I have a Sony Xplode 1000Watt amplifier 2channel and I dont know the RMS but somethings wrong with it....MMk well I want a new amplifier and I dont want to spend alot on a new Amp, but I want something powerful. I have dual 12' MTX Audio Thunder Series subs and want to make it sound good. Is 250 RMS x 2 channel good? Please help me out here, I need a deal, and a working amp.

Are you supposed to alphabetize an annotated bibliography by the author or title?

In MLA you alphabetize by author. If you don't have an author you use the title instead. Annotated bibliographies are tricky though, so you should ask your teacher how they want it formatted. Some teachers only want the title and author, while others want a full citation. ( is a great site for doing citations)

Should I leave my husband to take care of my niece?

Sadly, very sadly... you can't have her, because if you brake your marriage for her, you will never forgive her for that and when her difficult teen age comes, you will have many resentments against her. It seems like you are the only one who wants to keep her but you can't for saving your marriage. The poor girl will have to be adopted.

Hi, i have a question about coney island's schedule?

so im planning to go to coney island tomorrow to ride the cyclone for my first time and eat my first corndog, and i know its open now on weekends but does anyone know the hours? It must be open by 12 rright? and wen does it close? also could i get some nice pictures at coney island? and is there a place to put my nice slr wen im on the rides or can i bring it on with me even tho its big and bulky, i dont want it getting stolen

Happiness is the product of evolution.?

Yes, happiness is key to our survival. Why do you think their are so many people on prozac? Serotonin.

Why are there thinly-veiled ads for stanazanol and other steroids in GWS?

Or does Y!A have a program that displays ads based on /gender of the user? Every time I'm in GWS there's an ad with some six-packed hairless dude pumping something other than his g/f, b/f or gas.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How can we sneak into multiple movies without getting caught?

Me and my friends were thinking about going to the movies, and it's a chance we don't get very often since we have school and a lot of work. And I guess it's bad but we're being a little cheap. So what's a good method to watch multiple movies without getting caught going into different ones by being recognized? :/ And it's the Burbank 16 in California, knowing that might help I guess.

Similarity in company name?

i am starting a company 'XYZ India Pvt Ltd.'. In another country there is 'XYZ Pte Ltd'. Will it cause any problem legally ??

What can I do about someone who is not properly caring for their bird?

call animal control but tell her first if she does not clean up her act before she leaves call them but now that i think of it you should call them first cause if she leaves she might stop being nice to it again....

People finder?

Does anybody know of a FREE people finder website. I was just wondering because I havent spoken to my mom in a few years. I have tried a few... some will only give me basic info like how old she is and who she has been married to but that is all. I have tried a white pages site.... and it has given me an address with her same name... but how do i really know if that is the right person. She is also unlisted. Would anybody know what a good website is? Thanks..

I need to get rid of a fear. Any ideas?

My best friend has this exact same fear. She can't even look at a mascot let alone have it come near her! I looked it up as well a long time ago and there isn't too much you can do except let a mascot come near you. You should get someone you know and trust to dress up as a mascot or so on and to come hug you. It'll get you use to having them around. I hope I helped.

Does this Spanish paragraph make sense?

Ordenador is European Spanish: Spain takes most of its computerese from French. In Spanish speaking America it would be computador.

Please help. I think I just had a miscairrage. Im not sure an kinda scared?

Okay first of ive been on birth control for 3 months I had break through bleeding and then it stopped a while ago. But for the last 2 or 3 days i have been having some spotting. And today me and my boyfriend had and I started to bleed really bad so bad it came through my jeans but then when i went to the bathroom something came out of me it was red and about the size of the palm of my hand or a little smaller and im having light cramps and feel a little woozy. But I had my period last month what could it be im not even on my week of pills to start my period starts around the 18th or 19th what do you think??

How to go about my hearing loss from work?

My name is Danny and I'm 17 years old. I'm not gonna say what company I work for but our store plays music that is too loud and not safe for my hears. I worked their for 6 months now and I've noticed that i've had significant hearing problems now due to working over 20 hours a week. I did some research and read that hearing lost starts at 85 decibels. My manager at work told me the loudness of the music is decided by corporate. My question is: is their any legal actions I could take?

Anyone else seen this yet, because if true Game's "The R.E.D. Album" might be the best hip hop LP in years.?

So the 5 tracks he put out as singles were just all jokes, cus every single one except Better Days was absolutely horrendous. I don't see any of those on ur list.

Cool Hoodie for school for under $30/?

how can you be a prep yet wear black hi top converse with shorts. . you kid =fail. and you are not a guy you are a little man, if you are not allowed to wear black.kid youre to much. why cant you just go pick something out and delete his useless post

Help! logarithmic exponential function problems?

i really dont understand how to solve this problem. Your car is standing still on a straight, level strech of a highway. At time t=0s your floorboard the gas pedal. After 5 seconds, you are going to 40 kph. Let D be the difference between your car's speed and its top speed of 160 kph ume that d decreases exponentially with t. A) write a particualr equation expressing D in terms of t. b) how fast will you be going 18 seconds after you floor board the gas pedal.

If its true that michaels only going to be buried temporarily and then reburied at neverland?

Elvis was moved to Graceland because two men tried to kidnap his dead body and hold him for ransom. They were caught and arrested.This is why he's buried under all that cement.It takes time to get an approval from the Government to be buried on private land without turning it into a public cemetery.Sooner or later Neverland will become the Graceland of the west coast and I'm sure that soon after,Michael will have his resting place.I doubt he'll need a new casket but I'm sure hell get a statue in his honor.When Elvis died his neighbors did Not want Graceland opened to the public.They didn't want crowds of people ruining the neighborhood.The neighbors of Neverland feel the same way today.There will always come a time where history repeats itself.I honestly believe that this will be one of those times.

Fallout new vegas!!!?

i was reading and and i saw that there was this person named tabitha can someone tell me who the hell this is???

What to do, oh, what to do........i need to do something....?

give dawah (tell others about islam) that would REALLY help the deen. actually it is a FARD to give dawah so we should all be doing it!!!!!!!!

Should I have one of my friends talk to her?

Well, there's this girl, and I like her. I took her to my school's homecoming dance alst month, but it didn't go so well. It wasn't bad, she just didn't hang out with me very much there. I planned on asking her out some time after the dance depending on how it went, but it wasnt good so i just gave up for a while. but i wanted to give it one last try, so at my school's last football game i asked her out, and she said it was a bad time because she was having problems with her ex or something, but that i was a good friend...and now idk what to do. I really wanted to ask her to Winter Formal, but idt that she willsay yes after me asking her out and kinda getting rejected. I want to know if she really doesn't like me or what, because there was a short time alst year when i thought she liked me. So, i was thinking about having one of my friends talk to her about it. Good idea? Bad idea? I don't really want to talk to her about this, and i feel for some reason that it would be better to hear thru one of my friends. Help?

Trouble With Eye Contact, Any Correlation to ADD or Other Conditions?

I work retail @ Walgreens and find it extremely difficult making direct eye to eye contact with customers, especially when put on register... hell I even have trouble looking at my parents in the eye, kinda sad. But however I have gone through periods of increased confidence where I was not afraid of this situation. I don't think I'm a bad looking guy, I've even been told this by different people, but however this seems sort of like some kind of mental block & something I would like to overcome, especially to help me meet someone. And by the way, I notice my pupils tend to be quite large the majority of the time, does this correlate to anything? btw, I added the suspicion of ADD to my question because I think I have read someone before that this may be a symptom. Plus I think that having a furrowed-brow makes me come off as some sort of jerk, when I'm really not! Oh and my speech tends to be a little slurred too, lol, ok I'm done!

Help with social studies project?

Can anyone tell me the best or easy way to make a mt. rushmore model? I'm not really good with sculpting or making the faces so any ideas to make it lookk good?

What should I do .. I Hate High School soo much!?

Please ready everything so you know that I'm talking abou! I am a senior in high school but I really hate it. I don't want to be in social circles and I don't like the people in my high school that much, they are untrustworthy and just recklessly cruel at times. At the same time I keep thinking about this girl who I like and likes me back... The problem is that I have to wait until the summer until I could see her again. When I go to high school I feel as if I don't have a family and as a result i hate my high school. What do you think? I need some good advice! Thanks!

I have goop in my eyes?

I have goop in my right eye but it isn't pink. I also have a sore throat if that could be related at all. What is it? Could it be allergies?

English help..??>>>>?

The word in bold-faced type? Which word would that be? Sorry, but you will have to use your own dictionary just like everybody else. Unless for some reason you have a special license to laze around.

ACORN: is it worth it? Is the rampant FRAUD perpetrated by ACORN too much of a detriment to the system?

Is the number of overwhelming illegitimate voters so burdensome, that we should dissolve ACORN? Is it more of a detriment to the system than it's worth? Isn't it just as easy to register people at the post office?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Christians, satanists, witches and whoever else can answer this question about a couple of statues?

I don't believe they have any connection to the Catholic church or the religion. It could just be for decoration. Some older houses where built with devil like statues to scare evil spirits away like you said before.

Muslims, What are the chances of a convert to Islam finding a wife?

Insha Allah try the masjid. Tell the Imam that you want to get married, and make some friends with the brothers. Tell them the qualities you are looking for (good Muslimah who respects her traditional role to be wife and mother, 18-25, good cook, woman who will help you in your deen, etc.) and pray to Allah (SWT) for a good Muslimah wife and Insha Allah a loving mother. alaam Alaykum.

I joined praise team and im playing electric but i can't improvise. can someone help me?

i recently joined my church's praise team. i was igned to play electric guitar. so far i've basically just played acoustic and I've just recently started playing electric ( well more like a couple months ago). the thing is, i can't improvise on electric guitar just based off of chords. the first 2 songs are "heart of worship" by Matt Redman and Blessed be your name by Matt Redman. We're supposed to have learned these two ( or in my case be ready) by next friday. please help me figure out something to play off of chords, because i know you can't just teach someone to improvise over the internet. any tips or any help at all would be appreciated! =]

Rihanna or Lady Gaga?

Rhianna more talent and much better looking. Gaga is ugly and i have not been impressed by her performances. Gaga said she named herself after a QUEEN song. I bet poor old Freddie Mercury is turning in his grave.

Will Obama supporters evidence that he was a reformer in Chicago or Illinois?

Chicago is a pretty good example of the worst in politics and Illinois is the same for BOTH parties. Will Obama supporters give me links to all the stories about how Obama stood up against the machines (they are HUGE in illinois.. and powerful). Thanks for any help. I mean.. he MUST have tons of news stories about speaking out against corruption right?

For pipes joining when to use welding and when to use fittings ???

Sounds like somebody's cost of material vs fabrication cost rule of thumb to me. I imagine both fittings and welds must take same pressure.

What is a wingwoman? and whats a wingman?

Well its a person that helps you. Like say u want to get a date. You can get your wingman(if you r a guy) or wingwoman(if you are a girl) to ask them for you. thats besicly a wingman or women

Decorating my room..........?

Ok, i'm decorating my room and have chosen a dark purple floral feature wall paper to go on one wall, so what colour/s should I chose for the other walls? I was thinking a lighter sort of plumb purple paint or maybe a pistachio greeny colour. What do you think? Any suggestions?

Seniors, how much waste/non-essential spending is in the defense budget in your opinion?

Your hair would fall out if you saw one-seventh of the money that the military is literally pi$$ing away. That's our tax dollars going right down the hopper.

Question about Oxegen festival, Ireland?

emm, i was at oxygen a few times!! i always travel home each night and go back the next day!!! drunken teenagers all over the place, not only slashing, burning, but they will also actually piss on, and fall on your tent, if you want to camp, splash out and get one of those little wooden houses or share a campervan with a gang!!! seriously, i had to stay on one of the nights last year and we stayed in our car well away from the tent field, and that was still bad... it's not like electricpicnic, it's like students gone wild, trust me, get dublin bus home, the good thing about oxygen is you can buy day tickets!!!

I want a new haircut/style, how do I get my hair like this?

if you bring a photo to a hair cutting place and ask them to cut your hair like that , that would help and then just go into longs or something and look for products that can make waves for your hair, or maybe take some hairspray and wind some of your hair and spray it for some of the flips. good luck =]

What color should I paint my living room?

Well my house has a lot of deep brown furniture. Most of my walls are cream colored or a light tan color. It blends well and looks cly. If you want your furniture to sort of "pop" out but still sort of blend, try a light color. Light sandy color, a cream, or a light shade of a color in the rug. :) hope this helps!

What kind of fashions would women wear in Anne shirley's period? -from the book " Anne of Green Gables "

I've been look in a lot of old Eaton's Catalogues, but i couldn't find much info. So if you could find uesful info about this subject, please tell me the website.

Did our union stewards sell us out?

In this economy there is not enough information to conclude one way or another. Ever heard of NLRB. It is a place where you can file a complaint against the union or the management.

Anyone know anything about the tiny sometimes found in mussels?

We were on holiday in Normandy and Brittany this Summer and came across these in our mussels. It's because they are mussels fresh from the open sea and not from a mussel farm. In mussel farms the water is constantly filtered and nets keep most other life forms out. It's a bit off-putting to find so many little in all the mussels and I didn't enjoy the crunch. So I picked them out after that. You won't come to any harm from eating them.

Need a catchy compare/contrast essay title?

my essay is comparing the agatha christie novels of a murder is announced and murder on the orient express.

Which of the following is not a Linux text editor?

Edlin was a very simple program under DOS for entering text one line at a time. I'm not familiar with with pico but emacs is a unix/linux editor.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How does one go about owning a hyena in Virginia?

No I have 20 acres and I am a professional builder. I would apply for any permits and I would take any cles to allow me to have a licence to have one. I was not suggesting to sleep in the same bed with it. Is there someone out there who could help me? People are aloud to get tigers and lions if they get the right USDA licensees. There has to be a way I could open up a zoo, conservatory, or something. What would I need to do?

Car gearing question?

the difference between d and 3 is highest gear the car will reach at any speed. If in 3, no matter how fast you go the highest gear itll shift to is 3, if in d then itll switch to d when it needs to. Itll be bad for the motor if you leave it in 3 above a certain rpm and just riding. Look in your owners manual and see what it says.

Okay if I live in Texas and I want to go to New York in a car.... what cool places should I visit on the way?

I want to visit cool historical places like Mt. Rushmore, Boston, Washington D.C. What other places should I go visit?

Server Problem, MSVCR100.dll Error?

just wondering if perhaps the dll you downloaded was not supported by 64 bit operating systems? restore a backup and try a different dll if available

What single symbol has the same sound when spoken after a consonant as the English capital letter " i " sound?

I'm looking for a single symbol that would create the sound of a capital letter " i " (other than an actual capital " i ") , the overall sound i want to have is that of the syllable "Kai" ; however, i want to accomplish this using only one letter or symbol after the "k" .... So what i'm basically asking is if anyone knows how to type " ki " so that it sounds like " kai " rather than " key " by some means other than replacing the " i " in " ki " with two letters, and while still retaining the "k"..... Much Appreciated.

How does this story-line sound to you?

Hm, it sounds like it has potential, but you need to think about what sort or reader you want to attract.

Dream about ticking off someone important at work?

It's always difficult to be completely honest about the way you see things when you're working with a lot of other personalities, especially when they're in 'superior' positions. This dream could be reflecting the sense of discomfort you feel about having to keep your mouth shut & the constant stress of being afraid to lose your job if you say anything to anyone in a position of power. It could also be warning you of an upcoming situation, as - amazingly - your dreams can often be a prediction of a future event.

Spiritually speakin,how come some of us?

can receive compliments from a dozen of our friends and just one jack@rse can come along with an insult and it can make us mad all day?

Doing bca from ccs university. Should i go for mba or mca ?

First you need to know at which program in your first degree you are comfortable with and the one you would like doing for the rest of your life and be proud of and then pursue it.I hope i have answer your question.

When ppl pick your brains, do they do that to get a rise out of you, or they dont know they?

are doing it, like manipulator how do you know when someone is a manipulator or it could just be there shifty character.

Can i get into college?

SAT scores are really low. Most state schools have a certain minimum depending on what your cl rank is. For instance: top 10% just have to take it while top 25% need a minimum 1800. Just an example. I don't know what scale your GPA is on, but if worst comes to worst, you can just go to a community college first, make decent grades and transfer to a 4-year state institution. If you do go that route, make sure your cles will transfer and take cles towards a certain degree plan so you don't waste any.

I need a site to find ALL cabins and chalets in the Smokey Mountain area?

I find sites with all ads, I would like a site I can put my dates and amounts of space needed and I can see all the available cabins

Best friend trouble: Should i tell her?

should i tell my best friend that i kinda have a crush on this guy (the one from my earlier questions) but she doesn't like him at all, he calls her names and she threats to beat him up, plus today she told me who she liked and honestly no one trusts me with secrets cos i'm a blabber mouth, i'm the only one she's told and i don't know if i should tell her i kinda like someone to and this is big for me cos i haven't liked anyone since year 6 (and i'm practically year 10 now, one week left of school), what should i do?

Why is Bill Clinton's latest affair (Gina Gershon) not news?

Is this really some new liberal attempt to divert attention away from the Obama failures? Not that I would ever distrust liberals, but since the Rush and Palin diversions didn't work, it does look suspicious. And it would not be above them to sacrifice one of their own.

Which sentence contains words in italics that form from a gerund phrase?

A. Th laughing boy sat down. B. An interesting novel provides good entertainment. C. Winning the race demanded speed and endurance. D. I am going home.

Im going to vegas later...?

you should go on the rides on the top of the stratosphere and at the nascar i think it's nascar building it's right on the strip you can't really miss it and fremont street should really be done at night

When SHTF what's your plan?

Going to the Mountians, defend the Homestead, take the fight to the oppressor? And do you think it is likely to happen in the next 5 years? Explain, are you stocked up on ammo, weapons, food, water purification ect... We got all night people, I ask this in Hunting because I don't care what anyone else thinks.

Ist it ok to take my cat for a walk?

My cat is a year old of as of last week. He has solely been an indoor cat. Recently my boyfriend and I have brought him outside (holding him the whole time) for like 5 mins a day to get some fresh air. He loves it and even whines at the door when i get home because he wants to go out. I don't want him outside alone, because there are other cats outside that I am sure are diseased and malnourished (plus I don't want to see him go missing). I am wondering if I bought one of those cat harnesses if it would be ok and even remotely possible to take my cat for a walk?

Why is cable so fricking expensive?

All I would want are the ESPN channels and TBS. I don't want over 200 other crappy channels. Is there any way I can just get these channels?

2004 chevrolet 1500 4X4 locked in 4 wheel drive?

I have an 04 chevrolet 4x4 that is locked into 4 wheel drive. I took the front drive shaft out but the transfer case is still turning while i'm driving. I replaced the 4wd selector switch in the dash but didn't help. I was told it POSSIBLY could be the 4wd actuator. I had the transfer case motor off and had it switching back and forth SOMETIMES... not everytime I push the on would it work. I have had 2 guys tell me if its not the selector switch it is problably the actuator. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Why do the profits of AGW religiously chant that the "science is settled"?

Surely the science is far from settled considering it is mainly based on dubious data, trumped up theories and wide ranging computer models which are clearly not corroborated by both sides.


No. It is a breach of professional ethics for a barrister to accept instructions otherwise than through a solicitor. You wouldn't want to be represented by anyone who was prepared to break the rules.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is air matter because of its molecular structure?

and if it is then isn't void itself just an undiscovered molecular structure. Wouldn't make sense that void molecules can be seen with visible light microscopes or sensed with an eletron microscope or felt with an atomic force microscope...?

What do you think about foreigners marching on our Capital for Amnesty?

I find the umption of so many people that entered the country illegally to be the least of our priorities at this juncture. Even lower than that, a virtual non consideration. Really bad timing- go back to your own countries-please. Beyond this, we'll call you if we need you, in the mean time your just driving down the cost of labor while displacing many american jobs without having earned any right to citizenship- that's cheating. sorry, but true.

Shall i go with my guy friend as a date to prom or my group of friends? Please help!?

okay so basically he (my friend) had asked me to prom a couple months ago through text while we were conversing which i found kind of awkward but i said yes because i though he was a great sweet friend. about a month after that, he send me a "text" saying he got back with his ex and said he was going to take HER to prom. i did feel a little confused and i told him i understood. i personally thought it was very immature due to the fact the he used texting instead of talking to me in person because i have him for a cl. now hes asking me out to prom again which im finding it very childish although this time he asked in person, and its the second day in a row, i haven't answered him because well for 1 i don't want him to think im dumb? and 2 well i do feel bad for him because he is a good guy. or am i exaggerating/wrong with all this? i mean prom is just around the corner. i would like to answer him without looking or sounding like an imbecile. i truly need all the help i can get as you can tell. please.!

What do I do when babysitting a 6 year old?

swim, play dolls, watch disney and nickelodeon. If she likes you, she will follow you around everywhere and try and stay up with you till all hours of the night. Little girls are the cutest! I babysit my neighbors little girl. Shes all about american girl dolls and hannah montana. You could also take her for ice cream, etc. Shouldnt be hard :)

Transformers DS Decepticons Help?

i cant beat the level where you are Blackout and you have to get Megatrons Weapon Chip, i keep loosing the convoy people, HELP!

I am not getting answers to . . .?

Told I have adrenal insufficiency but no one can tell me how I got it (other than epidural and fact injections) - I am being treated with cortisol - I am stressing totally I don't understand how this happened and now I have some disease that requires steroids the rest of my life and can be fatal!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE

Thrush and please!!!!?

my daughter is six weeks old and has thush which makes nursing unbearably painful (to the point of crying and throwing up) its the second most painful thing ive ever experienced. (including a broken arm) obviously natural childbirth being the first. anyways...ive tried mycostatin, diflucan, colloidal silver, calendula gel, lansinoh, ice packs, heat packs, and nothing is giving me relief. anyone out there dealt with this and what was ur solution?

It is obvious now that if Hillary was the Democrat nominee, McCain would be trailing 20 points below in ?

opinion polls. My question is: who made Obama win over Hillary ? Were people made to think that the color of skin did not matter while it is obvious that it does ? Did those who decide behind the stage (Obama and McCain being mere puppets of superior powers) made some wrong calculations ? Has Obama been set up to become a president who will never be accepted by a large part of the American people and thus create the condition for serious unrest, the current financial crisis being the spark that would eventually help detonate the bomb ?

I need some sad soft music?

I am doing a powerpoint presentation on Nazi German propaganda and anti-semitism. I am doing a few slides of the death camps and need some sad soft music. Something modern, I was thinking along the lines of The Scientist by Coldplay, Good Riddance by Green Day etc.

I Want to Sing a Song for My Family....?

How about "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban? He's a great singer and that's an amazing song!

My boyfriend is pretty ugly?

It's best to keep an open and honest relationship. Tell him the truth without being too blunt and hurting his feelings. Make sure you include how you feel about him, and that looks don't matter. My boyfriend isn't the most attractive guy in the world, but to me he is absolutely gorgeous. After all, he is MY man.

"all is 'fair" in love and 'war"?could i start a vigilante group on this principle and justify my causes?

"is this a right approach to take if i have been wronged by state officials or certain individuals that have power positions?

Girls, how should I approach her for the first time?

I am a sopre in high school and I really like this freshmen girl. I am a shy person when it comes to meeting new people. I have had girlfriends in the past and talk to a lot of girls. It is just something about her that amazes me. She is very pretty and I think a lot of girls are pretty, but there is just something about her. Right now I am at the point to where I can't stop thinking about her. I day dream about her in a lot of my cles and I have gotten in trouble a few times for not paying attention. I see maybe 3 or 4 times throughout the day at school. Everytime I see her I can't help bit smile and it's really obvious because my friends tease me about it all of the time. I see her in the hallway, at lunch, and sometimes at her locker after school. I usually try to approach her while she is in line at lunch buying her food, but I always talk myself out of it. This is the only time I see her alone. I know where she sits at lunch but the problem is I don't know anyone she sits with. I would approach her at her lunch table but I don't know if her friends would accept me or tease me about it and embarr me in front of her. I know it should only matter what she thinks about me, but like I said I am shy and don't want to be teased and disliked by her friends. After school when I see her at her locker she usually has a friend with her and I do too. I've thought about asking my friend to be a "wingman" for me, but he isn't that type of person. It's driving me crazy that I don't know how to approach her. Please help. Thanks!

Anyone wanta trade fight night round 4 for udc undisputed ?

i got ufc fr my birthday yesterday and i played it onced and loved it but its to hard and i am a boxing freak i will trade ufc is brand new and very fun but i love boxing

Is it bad that I live in a republican family?

I 16 and still haven't found what political group I really belong to. The family are harsh down republicans and I find that extremely embarring. why I can't find my place is since my democratic view is that I respect gay rights. my republican side is that I believe abortion is horrible to babies, epically if you want a baby really bad. Making me in a republican family make me feel dim witted, redneck and phobic, which I am neither. What should I do. Will I still be respected even If I live in a republican family?

Should the Lakers go after Ron Artest in the offseason?

Odom and the other soft, inconsistent players need to go. They can't a Championship w/ inconsistent pansy palyers like Odom, Powell, Walton, and Fisher. The team, except for Kobe, is horrible at 1-on1 defense, Artest is a great defender. Artest will bring toughness and pion to the Laker role players. Gasol and Bynum just get pushed around out there some games. I like a Laker lineup consisting of PG-Farmar, SG-Kobe, SF-Artest, PFGasol, CBynum, please get rid of Odom.....

Do you think Murali Vijay should be tried in ODI/t20 matches?

No he shouldnt.Bcoz he is a opening batsman and also he is too cly for t-20.We need some quality all rounders int the team.We have plenty of batsmen but its always the bowling dept which lets us down.

I want laser eye surgery, Do I qualify, and what are the costs?

I'm nearsighted with a stigmatism and can only wear gas permiable contacts. They are very expensive. Wouldn't it be cheaper to have the surgery and do I qualify?

What kind of food should I eat everyday to stay healthy?

Listen, everday one should try to eat balanced meals to regulate blood sugar levels. Doctors reccomend 5 smaller meals, also when u skip meals people have a tendency to over eat during other meals. Also try eating natural calorie burners like onions, also low calorie snacks such as cuber. Light dressing and cubers can fill one up with minimal calories. Also for snacks peanuts are haigh in calories but very filling and high in amino fatty acids, which help

Shoes! help! k thanks :)?

Love the dress i think you have the right choice for the shoes as well they will look great together

I dropped my cell phone in my hottub. battery works screen doesnt. how do i fix this?

i can recieve text messages and my phone turns on for a short period of time but then shuts off, also my back light wont turn on. i have an env2 from verison wireless. anyone please help!

Jehovah's Witnesses: I am curious?

Since the WTS currently rejects most of the teachings of its founder, Charles Taze Russell (who was president of the organization from 1879-1916), and since they also reject "judge" Joseph Franklin Rutherford, who succeeded Russell as president from 1916-1942, how can you be sure that in 25 more years, the WTS won't reject the current president, Milton Henschel (1992-present), as they did Russell and Rutherford? What kind of confidence can you have in an organization that rejected its founder and first two presidents for the first 63 years of its existence - over 50% of the time they have existed?!

Who are/were Florence & Fred?

FF and are the founders of the tesco brand, they do clothing for every gender and age range. i like their clothes they're cheap and are good quiality.

My john deere gator wont crank with the key switch, I can jump wires at starter and it will fire right up.?

My 6x4 gator wont crank when I turn the key to try crank it does nothing but the fuel pump does come on. I got voltage to key switch and leaving when try to crank but its not making it to the relay. I got a new switch and relay. I checked the diode, my battery is good, I tried a jumper wire on neautral safety switch and also with it unplugged and nothing. Could the cdi prevent it from cranking the starter if it was bad but still allow it to crank and run when I jump it at starter. If i had a wiring diagram it would help. Thanks for your time.

Should I learn Wushu or Wing Chun first?

The Wushu school teaches a variety of hand forms from slow and graceful Tai Chi Quan to the vigorous and explosive Chang Quan (Long Fist), Shaolin Kungfu routines. Other forms include Nan Quan (Southern Fist), Pigua, Fanzi, Eagle Quan and Xingyi, Baji, Baqua Zhang (Eight Diagrams Fist) and Drunken Quan, Tiger and Praying Mantis (Tanglang Quan) etc. And I'm not very sure about the Wing Chun.

Jokes and Racism?

Is there a point where a joke goes too far, when, even thought it was supposed to be just a joke, it is truly racist, or do people take racist jokes too seriously? With the recent controversy over Don Imus, people have been preaching on and on about racism. Isn't a joke just supposed to be a joke, and wouldn't all races be better off if they learned to laugh at themselves? Or does emphasis on a race's flaws change stereotypes, make it worse? Thoughts and opinions only, I dont need to be chastised on my "ignorance".

Buying a red tail boa help?

We'll I'm looking to buy a colombian Red tail and from when i've went to petco and petsmart from what i ask the owners they dont know what the **** they are talking about and arent sure if they're true red tails or not plus they charged 130 for the snake alone which is kinda outrageous i mean seriously i payed 200 for my ball python with the tank and all and that was a little dumb of me because i got the same stuff again but a better light and heating pad and humidyfyer i got a 30gal tank for friggin 5 bucks from a neighbor and he just gave me the equipment for free and i was gunna use the tank for about a year then keep going up in the sizes, So back to what i was saying lllreptile is offering Columbian Red Tail Babys for only about 104$ thats with the shipping included but some people are saying they're not a good place to buy while alot of people say they are a good place to buy and have video proof of them unboxing there animals with the lllreptile logo on the box and there animals always seem to be in 100% good condition and i'm not really up to spending 200 bucks on a snake from a breeder because if thats the case ill just go to the petstore because the ones where i live actually have healthy reptiles that they take care of. So should i trust lllreptile or what.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What do you think of this quote?

There is nothing wrong with the word... ignorance...if someone is offended because they were called ignorant, maybe they should educate themselves on the subject. If someone called them ignorant just to be mean, ignore it. Let mean people be mean all by themselves you stay away from them.

Conch piercing pain vs. helix piercing/cutting pain?

I have had my conch pierced but cannot compare to what you want it to be compared with I didn't find it particularity painful, but there was a very loud popping noise, its fine! :D

Did anyone ever try Dr.chong's oolong tea? Its a tea that makes you loss weigth Is this true?

I haven't but i do know that its been proven that tea helps you loose weight, along with diet an fitness, of course. Also anything that is in that tea cant be good for you any way.

I need hotels at 600 hk at causeway bay road at wan chai..pls help...?

try ibis hotel, it's accor hotels chain, but rooms are really small and it's around HK$ 400-500 and only 3 mtr stations to causeway bay

Please, read these lyrics i wrote?

It's good, but not all of the verses follow the same rhyming pattern. I guess that's ok if that's the way you want it, but consistency is always a virtue.

Is it possible that im getting more than Im paying for??????

It's normal. Certain sites that host big files will usually download very fast. I download lots of software from adobe labs and I get up to 15mb a second sometimes.

I can't forget the girl i loved and i don't know how to get off this situation?

4 years ago , i was attracted by a girl in my school and i liked her so much : the way she talk , walk, she act .. so i worked hard to win her intention in order to be my girl friend and i figured out that is a very shy girl and polite so i made a decision to go talk to her and express my feelings in a respectful and polite way ..that's way someday i walked to her and i asked to known each other as a result she was surprised by my question and replied let's be friend .. so day after day the intention get more close and i was very satisfied because i had had a plan .. but unfortunately am emergence situation happened (family problem) , in fact my life was turned upside down and i was depressed even i hated every person and i didn't wanted to see or talk to anybody moreover she sent me a message by my friend asking me if i can talk to her but i didn't replied (I Know i am fool but i can't blame my self i was in a hard period ).. after all two years later i was in a recovering mood and i felt ok about everything i ped to university and i start to forget her because of my unsuccessful plan .. but surprisingly she came to my university and i was so scared what she will say and behave with me so i start to avoid her and hide in places that she can't see me furthermore when i looked in her i eyes i didn't saw any feeling of blames or angry just only eagerness even more someday she stand up next to me to say something but i escaped running and i don't know why !!!!.. all these action are disturbed my moral situation which were in way to cure and became health as a result affected my life and i was in way to be depressed again .. in addition i was had some feeling about here in that time but i wasn't thinking well and i don't know what to say to her so i ped the whole year like that until i graduated and i ped to another universities in another state ... but after two years ( means now) , thank god i ped all difficulty and all my problems are resolved i started to continue my life and started to make new friends be sociable again .. but someday i remembered her and i remembered my foolish and insane act i made about her (ignore , escaping from her ..) so i asked my friends if she is in good life but i had informations that she had been with two successive relationships and two of them are failed .. so i wondered if what she's ping now is because of me ..that's why ,about some months i am thinking to write her a letter not asking to be friend again but explaining my situation that i didn't wanted one day to harm her and always i have about her feelings of respect and "love" but some obstacles forced me to take another direction ..but after meanwhile i change my mind supposing that she forgot me and she don't have any feelings about me right now and also i am no longer know how she behave ..for that's reasons i write these sentences asking for help and advice because suresly i can't get her out of my head even i tried many times to get over it but couldn't ..please help

What are my chances of getting in to these colleges?

I am a junior in high school, have a 4.1 GPA, ranked first in my cl, am captain of the swim team, VP of Student Council, Spanish Club, National Honor Society, Knowledge Masters, SATs in the mid 600's (from soph. year), will be a definite et to any of the swim teams...what are my chances of getting into (1) UPenn (2) Duke (3) Emory? Do my SATs need to be higher?

What should i do for my anniversary?

my boyfriend and i have been going out for 2 years know.well it will be 2 years next week.i was thinking a weekend away,just the two of us.i need something y to wear,ladies you know what am talking about.ok,what colour should the lingerie be to make this a saucy plus steamy weakend?ever had on the beach? am wild ,i know but i want it to be special.

What reason do they have to attack us at home?

From what I have read and heard is that Bin Laden hated us for having troops in Saudi Arabia, not because they hated our culture. He has said they are intent on an islamic World from Spain to the Middle east, were we are not involved. If we just get the hell out of Iraq and the middle east in general (including support for Israel) it seems it will make us a much safer country. We should buy our oil and be done with that hellish place, it is not our problem if they want to kill eachother.

Can anyone tell me from which anime is this?

I'm pretty sure the banner is randomly selected from a pool of advertisements each time the page is loaded, so I don't think it's all that helpful to just give a link and say 'look at the ads up the top'. I suppose it would have just been the mascots of whatever website you would have been redirected to had you clicked the ad. Though then again, maybe not.

Which Would be the 3 Best Poets to Reasearch?

well it depends on what you like more happy or more like sad poems. i personally suggest Robert Frost mainly because he is just a really great poet. I also suggest Emily inson she went through a lot so that would help on the whole writing part, besides she is a great poet to. she actually hid her poems no one even knew she wrote till after her death. i would also recommend Edger Allen Poe a true master of poetry. he went through a lot also. did you know it took his headstone was destroyed several times and so was a statue people made of him before they finally got it to stay.

Hsg, how does it work.?

i have to do a hsg, im a little scared cause i dont know how it works, what do they do, and does it cure you if you need it, i also have to go for surgary for a cyst would they clean up you tubes if it needs to be done

Should I change my major to biology?

Hi my name is Tiffany and I'm eighteen :) I'm enrolled at a community college and my major is business administration. The work is not challenging at all and I find it uninteresting. My pion is really with medicine. I want to become a psychiatrist. I know it takes strength, commitment, and above all brains which I have already. However, there may be financial issues because I'm very poor. I also worry because I'm a woman and want to have kids.

What would I have to do to legally use a jetpack?

Just like any other experimental you'd have to appeal in front of the FAA to get it registered and certified and, unfortunately, get a tail number. Hope this helps!

Are people really so easily manipulated? Iranians are filmed chanting, and...?

...the media shows subtext which says they are chanting "Death to the America". Since no American outside of Iranian background speaks Farsi, they could be shouting " We love pies!", or "Ali Khameini likes bum love!" and the sheep would know no better. Or am I the only one who gets suspicious when I see Iranians protesting in Tehran shouting in Arabic and carrying placards that are written in English?

Why is Obama Ending the Armed Pilot Program?

With all the improved security measures since 911, it's no longer needed. Indeed it was a publicity stunt in the first place.

Feminists - would you like to live in Saudi Arabia?

I don't understand the point of this question: no woman wants to live like that, unless she has no other choice. Although, polygamy could have prospects. While I date men, I think if I were in Saudi Arabia, I would explore the possibility of dating the other wives. I always wondered about that - what do the husbands do if the wives decide to have open ual relations? And don't mind him joining? It would make his job (read ual performance) less demanding, don't you think?

Stolen stuff at the mall?????????????


Little black prom dress?

I think it would look gorgeous you would stand out a bit cause everyone else would be wearing bright colours but black looks good on anyone and with the rose details it woundlt look to plain, hope this helps XO

Is this an even bigger Labour joke ?

Sickening - both should be horsewhipped. Then again Blair raised a mortgage on his Northern England home - Trimdon of over �1.5Million to purchase the now family home in an exclusive square in London. The Trimdon property is worth less than �200k - not illegal if some fool agrees to lend you the money but how much did he then claim from the taxpayers for the London property? We don't know is the honest answer because according to the expenses office they no longer have the receipts and Blair burnt his. I was under the impression that all receipts of this nature and from the issuing office were required to be kept for a minimum of seven years for inspection by the inland revenue. A law for one i would say!

I'am reading World Literature. Reading poems of T'ao Ch'ien, Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei, Li Po, Tu Fu, Po Chu etc.?

Discuss the use of nature by one of the poets you’ve read in this lesson. How do the poets feel about nature? What does it seem to represent in the poems?

Forming roller derby team?

Yes you will want quad skates. Blades are quicker, but quads are more stable which is extremely important when you get hit. If you actually do one day want to play against other people and form an actual league, NO leagues play with roller blades so you should learn how to skate on quads now. Plus, rollerblades boots go up high and for skating around a tight track you'll want a low cut speed boot such as that found in a quad skate.

Ding dong the witch is dead, Evander Sno has gone, fellow followers of the Hoops what say you one and all?

i think he was the wrong type of player for the Scottish game, il stick my neck out and say it wont be the last time you hear of Evander Sno. If anyone can get the best out the boy it will be Van Basten

Does the Westermarck effect still work if...?

...Both people are of the same gender? Most people say that the Westermarck effect occurs to prevent inbreeding, but since they can't have children does it not happen? For example, could a gay guy be ually attracted to his brother/father?

What is your best advice to get a lot of kills on black ops deathmatch for ps3?

I love the game. I'm getting better. I have been using the stoner gun with lightweight, marathon, and warlord. I would like to get into the 20s on my kills. Please help?

Cool Diving Board Tricks?

I can do a cannonball and a dive i can almost do a can opener but i either lean forward or lean back to far and that leads to a back flop which sucks is there any cool diving tricks out there that i can do? details on the tricks would be great thanks so much :)

Can someone help me find a good mmorpg?

I've been looking for an mmo with really good PvE and good PvP when Im feeling competitive. Needs to be free. I want to easily find a team for quests. Kinda populated. And most important of all I want lots of customizable options. Also lotsa cles and races :L Thanks in advance :P

I ordered a Garmin Street pilot C340 which said that i came loaded with maps of US.....?

Usually you get a base map with the product that contains all major roads and highways etc. The SC card is usually there for you to add on more detailed or specific information that you can purchase or subscribe to that is more specific to your use of the GPS. One item is much more detailed street information for a State or group of States that shows every street and also may show tourist attractions, motels, and other items of interest.

Pregnant and she started taking trinordiol contraceptives after.. Do you know whats gonna happen?

Well my friend had unprotected and three days after felt like she might be pregnant. But she took the morning after pill after the 72 hours. And now she is using the trinordiol contraceptives like weeks after. Suppose she is pregnant what is going to happen if she continues taking the pills here onward???

Trade Help.....?

Try to counter offer. I'd say maine for atkins is more fair for you. However, pitching depth is important to keep throughout the year. I wouldn't do atkins for haren though.

As Christians, how are we to deal with ity?

I think one rock did bounce off the boy's head. Jezuz turned around and looked at who threw it. He cried, "OH MOM".

Please help i need help! em i fat?schools starting!

your not too bad of a weight really. but if you want to loose more you should eat less and exercise more. dont eat anything with trans fat in it. eat things with whole wheat instead of white. drink water everytime you feel hungry because it takes away hunger.

Are there any shisha tips for a very regular shisha smoker?

I smoke shisha at least 4 times a week and have been for about a year, a session for me lasts around 1-2 hours sometimes more. Any tips?

What does it mean to "seek"?

it means to seek diligently to leave no stone unturned, but seek with all your heart mind and whole being.

Health help?

when I see illicit, I think illegal....vicodin and steroids can be legally prescribed by a physician....inhalants are legal substances not used for their manufactured I would say marijuana is the correct answer....

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do liberals pretend the free market isn't synonymous with freedom?

When the government doesn't interfere people exchange goods and services and agree upon voluntary contracts... capitalism. They don't voluntarily ration or share property. That only happens by government force.

Is it possible to buy "Jane Fonda's New Workout" from 1986 on DVD? I can only find it on VHS?

It's only available in VHS. Jane Fonda said her workouts were too excessive and she wishes she hadn't made them. She said her routines were too physically challanging and didn't need to be to get the same results. That's probably why they haven't been remarketed and updated. It's like an author saying his/her old books were terrible.

Are any of Cecelia Aherns books out as a film ?

If You Could See Me Now, Thanks for the memories and Where Rainbows End are all due to be adapted into films.

Freaking out?

gave birth 12/7/07...had what i think was my period (not sure bc i was bleedin on and off since my csection) on 2/12/08...have not gotten period since...was d for less than a min once around 3/7/08...the of a fiance slipped in while i was sleeping and when i woke up and realized it i made him pull out...nice guy right? ne ways im freaking out to say the least but i never had a normal cycle to begin with so i dunno...are my chances really high from gettin pregnant from his pre...

Who Is The Better Buy In The January Transfer Window?

up until now it has Luiz he has been a solid defender and was the main factor for Chelsea's 2 to 1 victory over Manchester United thanks to his goal and his luck in not being sent off during the game . He has proven more valuable than Suarez in my opinion with his strong defensive ability

Help! Is this ebay posting a scam?

i think so, because it looks like he just copy and pasted the 3 jackets together unto one pic. Plus its from hong kong, u dont know if its authentic.

This questions conclusively proves that God (Adonai) exist and is at work...?

again with this question? we already answered this question a few days ago! Again your fictional book does not prove anything but how bad the writers were in the third to tenth century's when it was written

Is the economy Obama’s “Reichstag fire event” to p pork and political payoffs to his Democratic cronies?

Yes. You don't get $800 million in campaign contributions without owing a whole bunch of people like Soros and the royalty of Saudi Arabia for starters. The paybacks in the stimulus bill are not the ones that bother me the most. It's the aforementioned ones.

Do you thinks its right when your bf gets mad when u don't want to tell him something u don't want him to know?

so i was talking to my friend about some problem i had.Then when i was leaving i told him not to tell any one. He said ok then my bf went up to my friend and aks what we were talking about. He told that i didn't wont no one to find out about. so he got so mad and told my then why did she tell u. Then he said because she was asking if it was dumb or not

Why does current music suck so much?

totally agree. I think it sucks so much because people lost there uniqueness & now everything just sounds the same. I'm scared for the future too :/

HELP degri tng season 7 eppisode 7?

please please help me does anyone know where i can watch the full episode "we got the beat? i don't want to buy or download just watch no amazon or youtube or itunes i know i limit the choices but i'm being so stupid and bawling over the fact that i can't find it any where cuz no one has it they have s.7ep.8 and ep.6 but no 7 please help

How do I get from the NY Penn Station to the subway in NY?

Okay, from what i know, the NY Penn station is in manhattan right? so how do i get from there to the subway in new york? specifically, i wanna take the D train to brooklyn and coney island. and also, what bourrough is little italy in? what subs go there? im completely and uuberly lost, me and my friend are going to new york for spring break on the 28th. help! lol we're marylanders.

Horse power 165HP help?

I have a El Camino conqista Small block V8 and it has 165 HP, i was wondering if that was fast for a truck

Editing a few English paragraph?

My current plans; I will study mathematics in diverse area until I go to college and I will participate in The Math Circle. In Spring, I will attend Arctic Number Theory School in Finland. In summer, I am planning to participate in summer math camp or research program. In fall, I will take three or four courses at Harvard Extension School and participate in Pomona College / University of Wisconsin Mathematical Talent Search. In winter, hopefully participate in semester research program. And finally, I need to be focus and prepare for college admission.

What are some ideas for a really good EdwardxBella Twilight fanfiction? I'm open to all ideas.?

But I'll just let you know that I really do like writing Humour/Romance ones about Edward and Bella. So If you could help me, it'd be great. MWAH!

Do u think this will be a good book??

I found this book its fantasy and its futuristic set like 100 yrs in the future, its about a group of young adults age 19-23 who have special powers( like teleportation, telekenisis, shapeshifting and stuff like that ) Do you think this will be a good book or should I skip over it ??

Which the autonomy of a helicopter CH-53a Sea Stallion?

The only thing that can have anything to do with the autonomy of a CH-53 would be the Pilot and crew.

How Can I Help My Brother Who's In a Toxic Relationship?

You can talk to them about it, but it truly is their decision who they want to be with regardless of the quality of the relationship.

Egyptian German Gay marriage ?

It can be very dangerous in Berlin too, we sent one you back feet first to Egypt! Those are fought so bravely for mother Germany must be turning in their graves to let the wrong sort of parasites in

Gas prices?

The speculation has arisen from both surging demand internationally and a shortage (Peak Oil). Also, much oil is imported, and the doller has plummeted, making imports much more expensive.

Anyone recommend a good website for vocabulary? ?

I have to take my NLN-PAX RN exam on Jan. 8th. There is a vocabulary section and while I thought I had a decent vocabulary, some of the practice exams I took revealed otherwise.

Biology preliminary examations today ! ?

Well, both are true but the second answer is a more detailed account of what might happen. The cornea is part of the eye and sand would have to first enter the eye to scratch the cornea badly enough to actually enter it. The irritation would cause tears to be produced to try and flush away the sand. The cornea is living tissue, but it contains no blood vessels. It gets oxygen directly from the atmosphere and surrounding tissue. I don't know if it has a nerve supply and can register pain. Corneal surgery appears to involve very little anesthetic so I suppose it has a minimal nerve supply. Sand embedded in it would probably not be painful and might not trigger the secretion of tears. Because it has no blood supply, there can be no direct responce to infectious agents from either the circulatory or lymph systems. The eye does secrete a powerful antibacterial compound, and this serves to protect the eye from infections.